Inglés II Código:  00.073    Créditos:  4,5
Consulta de los datos generales   Descripción   Información previa a la matrícula   Objetivos   Contenidos   Consulta de los materiales que dispone la asignatura   Materiales y herramientas de soporte   Consulta del modelo de evaluación   Evaluación contínua   Validación y examen final  
Este es el plan docente de la asignatura para el primer semestre del curso 2024-2025. Podéis consultar si la asignatura se ofrece este semestre en el espacio del campus Más UOC / La universidad / Planes de estudios). Una vez empiece la docencia, tenéis que consultarlo en el aula. El plan docente puede estar sujeto a cambios.


A working knowledge of English is essential for university students today, both for their studies and their professional careers. Specifically, in today's Information Society a general level of competency in the language provides students with access to a wealth of information and the possibility of participating successfully in the ever-changing needs of our present global world, both on a personal and a professional level. It is for this reason that English 1, 2 and 3 are obligatory subjects in the degree courses at the UOC.

English 2 is the second in a series of three courses which students will normally study over a period of three semesters. Please note that THIS IS NOT A COURSE FOR BEGINNERS, and it is assumed that students will have an intermediate level of English before they enrol.


Se recomienda haber superado Inglés I.


The overall objective of English 1, 2 and 3 is to bring students' level of general competency in the language up to the equivalent of level 4 at the Official Language Schools (EOI) or level B2.1 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

More specifically, assuming that students will possess prior knowledge of English, the UOC courses aim to provide students with extensive practice, thereby consolidating basic communication skills and increasing their confidence in using the language. After completing English 1, 2 and 3, students should be able to:

·  read texts on academic, professional and general subjects in English with little recourse to reference books/dictionaries.

·  write notes, short reports, etc., in acceptable English and with little recourse to reference books/dictionaries.

·  understand spoken English on topics typically encountered in social, academic or professional settings.

Please note that while students will be able to practise oral skills to some extent, these will NOT be one of the main focuses of the course. Students will be required, for example, to complete exercises on pronunciation, expressions frequently used in speaking and dialogue completion, but will not be expected to take part in online real-time conversations.

Finally, an important aim of English 1, 2 and 3 is to introduce students to the enormous range of language resources on the Web so that they can supplement the course materials if they wish and continue to improve their language skills once they have finished the courses.


The course will cover reading, writing, listening and speaking with an emphasis on the first three skills. Topics of specific relevance to students' degree areas will be covered as well as a variety of themes of general interest. Reading and listening texts will be used as the basis for

-  developing students' communication skills,

- increasing their vocabulary,

- ensuring the correct use of relevant grammatical structures.

Students will probably have previous experience of courses based principally on grammatical contents. This is not the case with English 1, 2 and 3. It is assumed that students will have already studied basic English sentence structures and therefore in the UOC materials there is no grammatical syllabus as such. This does not mean that there is no grammar, but that students will not progress systematically through a series of grammatical structures. The grammar exercises and reference materials provided are a resource for students to use as necessary in order to improve their weak areas.

Students' work will be based on 6 Activities throughout the term; 4 of these will be based on the materials found in the CD-Rom (see below under "Materiales y Herramientas de apoyo" for more details). The other 2 will be related to the various degree areas at the UOC and will provide students with a chance to read and write about topics related to their field of study, learn relevant vocabulary and discuss the issues raised in the classroom Forum.

Students following Continuous Assessment (CA) will also be expected to take two online Tests during the term.


Material Soporte
Grammar (ES) Web
Bright Ideas (ES) Web
Learning Online (ES) Web
What's in a name? (ES) Web
The Business of Selling (ES) Web
Storytelling (ES) Web
Adrenaline Junkies (ES) Web
Whose art is it anyway? (ES) Web
The Right Punishment (ES) Web
Dedicated Foodies (ES) Web


CD-Rom materials

The units in the CD-Rom materials which will be studied in English 2 are:
  • In the news
  • Family matters
  • Shopping
  • Medical ethics

(Consult 'Fechas clave' section below for the dates when these units will be studied in class.)

Students should study the other four units in the CD-Rom on their own for extra practice.

The above four units on the CD-ROM will be supplemented by 2 Activities related to the various degree areas at the UOC. These will be based on materials which can be found in the "English II degree-related units", located in the classroom under 'Recursos'.

Each of the units is related to a specific theme and contains exercises based on the following language areas:

  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Speaking
  • Writing

At the beginning of each unit there are links to related Web sites for further practice in reading, grammar, vocabulary, etc.

The Glossary in each unit provides explanations for key vocabulary items and students can also hear the correct pronunciation of the words/expressions.

The Dictionary provides students with definitions of words on the Cambridge Dictionaries Online Web site.

The Grammar Reference section provides students with explanations and examples of grammar points which are often problematic for learners at this level.


Esta asignatura se puede superar mediante una doble vía: por un lado a partir de la evaluación continua, y por otro lado, mediante la realización de un examen final (presencial). La fórmula de acreditación de la asignatura es la siguiente: EC o EX

Modelo de calificaciones finales a partir de la evaluación continua
C. Ev. continuada
  Calif. final
Modelo de calificaciones finales
Calif. Ex. final
  C. A v. c o n t i n u a d a

SB Sobresaliente
NO Notable
A Aprobado
SU Suspenso
NP No presentado
M Matrícula de honor
AP Apto
NA No Apto

Nota: En el caso, que la asignatura permita Matrículas de honor, éstas se pondrán en Junta de evaluación entre los estudiantes que hayan obtenido una calificación final de Sobresaliente y siempre siguiendo los criterios de normativa de Matrícula de honor.


Students may pass English 2 in one of the following two ways:

  1. by successfully completing the requirements for Continuous Assessment


  1. by passing a face-to-face Final Exam.

Continuous Assessment (CA)

The Continuous Assessment Mark will be based on the work submitted to Forum and Exercises (50%) + the results of two Tests (50%).

In order to pass Continuous Assessment, students MUST

a) complete both tests on time,

b) submit at least one contribution to the classroom Forum for each of the 6 CA Activities. Failure to submit the required 6 contributions may result in the final mark for CA being lowered.

Please note the following points:

  • Contributions submitted to Forum or Exercises must be of an appropriate length and quality.
  • Students who submit fewer than 4 contributions to the Forum will automatically fail CA, regardless of their test results.
  • Students will receive a final mark for Continuous Assessment (i.e. NOT no presentat) if they submit a minimum of 4 contributions to the Forum OR do 1 of the 2 Tests.


Students will have nine days to complete each Test and send it to "Assessment". The deadline can be found in the 'Fechas clave' section below.

Tests submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted. A key with the answers will be posted in the classroom shortly after the deadline expires.

Plagiarism - Originality of students' work

All work submitted for Continuous Assessment MUST be original. This means:

  1. Students must not copy passages, sentences, or even parts of sentences from other sources and present them as if they were their own words.
  2. Where relevant, original sources must be quoted. 
  3. Any work submitted for Continuous Assessment must be the student's own.

If the teacher considers any part of a student's work is not original, in contributions to the Forum or particularly in the Tests, he/she will be disqualified from Continuous Assessment altogether and will be obliged to take the face-to-face Final Exam.


English 2 students who have a Continuous Assessment mark of A, B or C+ can choose to have this mark count as the final course mark, without doing an exam. However they can choose to do the face-to-face Final Exam if they wish in order to try and raise their mark.  In this case, the student's final course mark will be the combination of the Exam mark and the Continuous Assessment mark, according to the criteria established by UOC (see the table under 'Evaluación').

Students who do not do Continuous Assessment or who have obtained C- or D as their Continuous Assessment mark MUST pass the Final Exam in order to pass the course.

Please note that on the final exam 40 - 54 out of 100 corresponds to a C- (i.e. 50% is not a pass mark).
