Business & entrepreneurship Codi:  M3.361    Crèdits:  6
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Aquest és el pla docent de l'assignatura per al primer semestre del curs 2024-2025. Podeu consultar si l'assignatura s'ofereix aquest semestre a l'espai del campus Més UOC / La universitat / Plans d'estudis). Un cop comenci la docència, heu de consultar-lo a l'aula. El pla docent pot estar subjecte a canvis.

In the increasingly competitive business environment, there is rising demand for creativity, innovation and uniqueness. This in turn has created a growing demand for businesses to be enterprising. 

Business and Entrepreneurship has been developed in close partnership with industry experts to give you the business knowledge and work experience you need to advance in management positions throughout the enterprising service sector or set up your own business. This subject gives you the opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of core business functions and activities and to appreciate how they work together in a contemporary global and digital business environment. 

Entrepreneurship is about finding your passions and talents and putting them to work in a marketplace that is changing. It's also about challenge, persistence and generating market impact by creating new execution strategies for doing old things in new ways.

This subject is not a "spectator" course. You will be actively researching, testing and putting to work your ideas and concepts. You will spend time in the marketplace doing research and collecting data for your ideas and concepts.


This subject is optional and will allow you to obtain all the necessary knowledge of the world of business and entrepreneurship.


This subject complements the training necessary to acquire the necessary skills to carry out the following professional functions: Responsible for corporate communication in companies or institutions. Public Relations Manager. Communication auditor. Communication consultant.


It is not necessary to have previous knowledge to carry out this subject.



Business is inherently entrepreneurial in nature. But the knowledge that an entrepreneur requires is distinct from that of other business managers. The Business & Entrepreneurship course shows you how to harness opportunities and build a successful business from the ground up. This programme trains you in sound business principles, in how to prepare a business plan, and how to finance and manage a small business. Students are encouraged to visualise and form a business by being creative and using the new innovation tools (Business Innovation and start-ups). Through the process of developing the business, students acquire the necessary skills to start out on the path of operating a successful business. Entrepreneurship is an attitude and mindset in addition to a set of skills. Whether you start your own business or bring an entrepreneurial approach to your work for an organisation, you will ensure your success by always assuming the role of entrepreneur. At its heart is your ability to look creatively at business opportunities to create value in all its forms: money, independence and influence. We will explore a set of tools and techniques for identifying new entrepreneurial opportunities by learning about an industry in depth. Entrepreneurship focuses on recognising a business idea or opportunity and formulating or developing this opportunity into a business.



Generation of new ideas (creativity, initiative and innovation).
Leadership and decision making.


To acquire the ability to make decisions from a strategic approach based on the results of a rigorous research.

To be able to adapt the communicative message to the specifics of the sector in which the organization operates, identifying stakeholders, and through the different traditional and emerging communication channels.



  • To recognize the characteristics of companies to understand their communicative needs, to understand the operation of the company and the financial language to be part of the organization's dominant coalition.

  • To manage communication of startups.

  • To design entrepreneurial strategies able to dispose new types of communication companies .



Chaptere 1 Business

1. The concept of business development

2. Deciding on a Business

3. Communications Tools

4. Buying a Business or Franchise

5. Business & Innovation

Chaptere 2 Entrepreneurship

1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

2. Team Building and Leadership

3. Entrepreneurial Marketing

4. Negotiation 


Material Suport
Business & Entrepreneurship. Challenge 4 Audiovisual
The entrepreneur minset XML
The entrepreneur minset DAISY
The entrepreneur minset EPUB 2.0
The entrepreneur minset MOBIPOCKET
The entrepreneur minset HTML5
The entrepreneur minset PDF
Deciding on a business XML
Deciding on a business DAISY
Deciding on a business EPUB 2.0
Deciding on a business MOBIPOCKET
Deciding on a business HTML5
Deciding on a business PDF
New business models. Enterpreneurship in the technology century XML
New business models. Enterpreneurship in the technology century DAISY
New business models. Enterpreneurship in the technology century EPUB 2.0
New business models. Enterpreneurship in the technology century MOBIPOCKET
New business models. Enterpreneurship in the technology century HTML5
New business models. Enterpreneurship in the technology century PDF
A successful star-up company: AYUNA Audiovisual
How to develop communication with little budget? PDF
Entrepreneurship in the Digital World Audiovisual
Creating the value XML
Creating the value DAISY
Creating the value EPUB 2.0
Creating the value MOBIPOCKET
Creating the value HTML5
Creating the value PDF
The marketing plan XML
The marketing plan DAISY
The marketing plan EPUB 2.0
The marketing plan MOBIPOCKET
The marketing plan HTML5
The marketing plan PDF
The business plan XML
The business plan DAISY
The business plan EPUB 2.0
The business plan MOBIPOCKET
The business plan HTML5
The business plan PDF
Financial management fundamentals XML
Financial management fundamentals DAISY
Financial management fundamentals EPUB 2.0
Financial management fundamentals MOBIPOCKET
Financial management fundamentals HTML5
Financial management fundamentals PDF
Finding the money XML
Finding the money DAISY
Finding the money EPUB 2.0
Finding the money MOBIPOCKET
Finding the money HTML5
Finding the money PDF
MU Comunicación corporativa, protocolo y eventos. Casos. Web
Toolkit de gènere Web
Estudi de cas. El Motí d'Aranjuez, una festa amb identitat pròpia Web


L'assignatura només es pot aprovar amb el seguiment i la superació de l'avaluació contínua (AC). La qualificació final de l'assignatura és la nota obtinguda a l'AC.

Ponderació de les qualificacions

Opció per superar l'assignatura: AC

Nota final d'assignatura: AC


La Normativa acadèmica de la UOC disposa que el procés d'avaluació es fonamenta en el treball personal de l'estudiant i pressuposa l'autenticitat de l'autoria i l'originalitat dels exercicis fets.

La manca d'originalitat en l'autoria o mal ús de les condicions en què es fa l'avaluació de l'assignatura és una infracció que pot tenir conseqüències acadèmiques greus.

L'estudiant serà qualificat amb un suspens (D/0) si es detecta manca d'originalitat en l'autoria d'alguna prova d'avaluació contínua (PAC) o final (PAF), sigui perquè ha utilitzat material o dispositius no autoritzats, sigui perquè ha copiat textualment d'internet, o ha copiat d'apunts, de PAC, de materials, manuals o articles (sense la citació corresponent) o d'un altre estudiant, o per qualsevol altra conducta irregular.

La qualificació de suspens (D/0) en l'avaluació contínua (AC) comporta l'obligació de fer l'examen presencial (si n'hi ha) per a superar l'assignatura. Quan aquesta mala conducta es produeixi durant la realització de les PAF presencials, l'estudiant pot ser expulsat de l'aula, i l'examinador farà constar tots els elements i la informació relatius al cas.

D'altra banda, aquesta conducta pot donar lloc a la incoació d'un procediment disciplinari i l'aplicació, si escau, de la sanció que correspongui.

La UOC habilitarà els mecanismes que consideri oportuns per a vetllar per la qualitat de les seves titulacions i garantir l'excel·lència i la qualitat del seu model educatiu.
