Elearning Thematic Seminar Codi:  65.582    :  3
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Aquest és el pla docent de l'assignatura per al primer semestre del curs 2024-2025. Podeu consultar si l'assignatura s'ofereix aquest semestre a l'espai del campus Més UOC / La universitat / Plans d'estudis). Un cop comenci la docència, heu de consultar-lo a l'aula. El pla docent pot estar subjecte a canvis.

The eLearning Thematic shows the fundamentals of several techniques of research in eLearning. It starts describing the models of distance education and which techniques of research can be useful as research in e-learning. Finally, the seminar gives special attention to instructional design and gives some indications of learning analytics.


The seminar gives the fundamentals of several topics in order to fill any gap in the fundamentals that any phD student could have. In previous subjects students have learned about research design and, along their work as researchers, students have learned the fundamentals on how to apply research design to their specific topic.

However, although students have learned how to deal with a research in eLearning, do they actually know what eLearning is? Which are the special features it has? How is an eLearning subject designed? How can we obtain and analyse data from eLearning subjects? Which are the more appropriate techniques they should have to use to perform a research in eLearning with the available data?

This subject deals with all these questions in order that all phD students in eLearning phd program would be able to understand what is eLearning, and what makes it apart when making research in it.

At the end of the subject students are expected to know the fundamentals to become eLearning professionals, but also to make research from the eLearning actions they performed. They will know the fundamentals of designing an eLearning subject and to choose the best research technique for every issue. On the other hand, they will be able to write and present a short paper in English.  


The subject can be useful for any research in eLearning, although most of the techniques shown can be also useful in any research in social sciences.


Students are expected to know the fundamentals of research design in eLearning.


Students are expected to have begin their research and have a research plan and to know the fundamentals of research design in social sciences in general and eLearning in particular. 


The goals of the subject are:

  • To stablish the limits of the research in eLearning.
  • To know the main models and techniques of research in eLearning and know how to choose the bests for every single research.
  • To know the fundamentals of instructional design and its importance in eLearning.
  • To learn about learning analytics and how it can help to a research in eLearning.
  • To develop critical spirit to analyze the own research and other's research.
  • To learn how to write a conference paper.


  • Models of distance education: debate between some of the most important researchers in eLearning at UOC: Dr. Albert Sangrà and Dr. Iolanda Garcia, from the Faculty of Psichology and Education, and Dr. Teresa Sancho from the Faculty of Computer Sciences, Multimedia and Telecommunication.
  • Methodology in eLearning: a summary of the main techniques in eLearning with the main feature of every one of them and the clues to know when to choose every techinque.
  • Instructional Design: a summary of instructional design and why it is important in the context of research in eLearning.
  • Learning Analytics: an introduction to Learning Analytics from several resources.  


E-learning Thematic Seminar Web
Elearning Thematic Seminar Audiovisual
Technological and pedagogical design for eLearning Web


L'assignatura només es pot aprovar amb el seguiment i la superació de l'avaluació contínua (AC). La qualificació final de l'assignatura és la nota obtinguda a l'AC.

