Internacional management Codi:  15.645    :  6
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Aquest és el pla docent de l'assignatura per al primer semestre del curs 2024-2025. Podeu consultar si l'assignatura s'ofereix aquest semestre a l'espai del campus Més UOC / La universitat / Plans d'estudis). Un cop comenci la docència, heu de consultar-lo a l'aula. El pla docent pot estar subjecte a canvis.

The subject International Management looks at the main issues that companies must address when they decide to internationalise and to begin to conduct their business in an unfamiliar environment unlike the one they are used to. Several factors make this one of the most important strategic decisions a company can make, and success can be vital to the company's future, as internationalisation can compromise its survival in the domestic market.
This subject will begin with an overview of globalisation and its impact on companies, before focusing on the main decisions involved in internationalisation, namely, the destination and the product to be internationalised, as well as how to secure access to and enter new markets. It will also look at the new challenges that emerge in relation to organisation, coordination and the relationship between the parent company and its subsidiaries once a company has successfully completed the initial stage and become a multinational. Finally, it will look at cultural differences in how international business is conducted and determine how best to design a human resource policy in light of the range of options for the international management of a multinational's executives.


International Management is an elective course of the Degrees in Economics, Business Administration and Management, Marketing and Market Research and Tourism.


It is recommended that before enrolling this course, the student has attended the course of  Business Strategy (Direcció estratègica).

As the course is in English, it's also highly recommended to have a B2 level in English (upper intermediate).


This subject will develop the following transversal skills covered by all degree programmes in the Economics and Business Studies Department: 

  • Capacity to search for, identify, organise and make proper use of information.
  • To adopt attitudes and behaviors in line with an ethical and responsible professional practice.
  • Capacity to communicate effectively, in writing and/or orally, both in one's own language and a foreign language.

 It will also develop the following specific skills: 

  •  Capacity to understand how the economy and economic agents and institutions work, with special emphasis on business behaviour. 
  • Capacity to manage a company or organisation efficiently, understanding its competitive and institutional position and identifying its strengths and weaknesses in order to adapt to global markets. 
  • Capacity to critically assess specific business situations and to determine potential business and market outlooks.
  • Capacity to adopt a results-oriented approach based on meeting the needs of internal and external clients.

  All of these skills are addressed by the following general objectives:

  1. To understand globalisation and the point of view of anti-globalisation movements and the struggle for another world, as well as to analyse the response and reaction of multinationals.
  2. To determine the best strategy for entering foreign markets.
  3. To decide, based on sound criteria, what mechanism or mechanisms to use to enter foreign markets.
  4. To learn to adapt a company's organisational structure to the internationalisation process.
  5. To discover what conditions must be met to set up a foreign subsidiary.
  6. To understand the major impact that cultural differences can have on how international business is conducted, discovering the most decisive and salient features of the world's different cultures.
  7. To determine the best human resource policy for the international management of a multinational's executives.



The subject's contents and resources  are  divided into the following five units: the global business environment, international business strategy, the foreign subsidiary strategy, the impact of culture on international business, and international human resources management.



Unit 1: The global business environment

            1.1 Overview of the globalised world

1.2 Factors driving globalisation

1.3 Consequences of business globalisation

1.4 Globalisation and corporate social responsibility


Unit 2: International business strategy

2.1 The strategic decision to internationalise

2.2 Ways of approaching the internationalisation process

2.3 Strategy implementation processes

Unit 3: The foreign subsidiary strategy

3.1 What is a foreign subsidiary?

3.2 Conditions for foreign direct investment

3.3 Classification of subsidiaries and strategy

3.4 Development and evolution of subsidiaries


Unit  4. Impact of culture on international business

4.1  The importance of culture to multinationals

4.2  Definition of culture

4.3  Grouping countries based on their culture

4.4  Cultural dimensions

4.5  Local business culture and practice


Unit 5: International human resources management

5.1  Designing the international human resource policy

5.2  Trends in expatriation

5.3  The life of the expatriate


How to give an effective talk Audiovisual


The basic materials of the course are the didactic units of UOC Materials. These units can be downloaded from the upper menu  of the classroom  and are also available in paper. They have a theoretical and practical approach. The concepts are illustrated with examples, self-assessment exercises, references and other resources in order to facilitate the learning process.



The UOC's Academic Regulations stipulate that the evaluation process is based on the student's personal work and presupposes the authenticity of the authorship and the originality of the exercises performed.

Lack of originality in authorship or misuse of the conditions in which the subject is assessed is a violation which may have serious academic consequences.

The student will be rated with a fail (D / 0) if there is a lack of originality in the authorship of some evaluable activity (practice, continuous assessment test (CAE) or final (PAF), or the one that is defined in the syllabus), either because you have used unauthorised material or devices, or because you have copied textually from the Internet, or copied notes, materials, manuals or articles (without the corresponding citation), from other students, or for any other irregular behaviour.

The grade of suspense (D / 0) in the final grades of continuous assessment may entail the obligation to take the exam in person to pass the subject (if there is an exam and if passing it is enough to pass the subject as indicated in the syllabus).

When this misconduct occurs during the final in-person assessment tests, the student may be expelled from the classroom, and the examiner will list all the elements and information regarding the case.

On the other hand, such conduct may lead to the initiation of a disciplinary procedure and the application, where appropriate, of the corresponding sanction.

The UOC will enable the mechanisms it deems appropriate to ensure the quality of its degree programs and to guarantee the excellence and quality of its educational model.


This subject can be passed in two ways: on the one hand, following the continuous assessment (AC) and a synthesis test (PS), and on the other hand, with the final exam (EX).

- To take the PS you must have passed the AC.

- To take the EX it is not necessary to have passed the AC.

- In case of passing the AC, there is the option of choosing the EX instead of the PS.

The module's accreditation formula is as follows: AC + PS or EX.


Pots superar l'assignatura per mitjà de dues vies:

  1. Seguint l'avaluació contínua (AC). Pots superar l'assignatura directament aprovant l'AC. En aquest cas, la nota final de l'assignatura es correspondrà amb la nota final de l'avaluació contínua.
  2. Fent un examen. La nota final es calcularà d'acord amb el següent:
    • Si no t'has presentat a l'avaluació contínua, la nota final serà la qualificació numèrica obtinguda a l'examen.
    • Si has seguit l'avaluació contínua i tens una nota diferent d'un No presentat, la qualificació final serà el càlcul més favorable entre la nota numèrica de l'examen i la ponderació de la nota de l'avaluació contínua amb la nota de l'examen, segons el que estableixi el pla docent. Per aplicar aquest càlcul, a l'examen cal obtenir una nota mínima de 4 (si és inferior, la nota final de l'assignatura serà la qualificació de l'examen).
    • Si no et presentes a l'examen, la qualificació final serà un No presentat.

