Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Code:  M4.968    :  6
View general information   Description   The subject within the syllabus as a whole   Professional fields to which it applies   Prior knowledge   Information prior to enrolment   Learning objectives and results   Content   View the UOC learning resources used in the subject   Additional information on support tools and learning resources   Guidelines on assessment at the UOC   View the assessment model  
This is the course plan for the first semester of the academic year 2024/2025. To check whether the course is being run this semester, go to the Virtual Campus section More UOC / The University / Programmes of study section on Campus. Once teaching starts, you'll be able to find it in the classroom. The course plan may be subject to change.

This course introduces the methodology of teaching content and foreign languages known as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The course is divided into three blocks, each of which targets a specific subtopic within this methodology. On completing this course, students will be able to: (1) critically assess the opportunities and drawbacks of CLIL in relation to other methodologies (e.g., bilingual education), (2) plan lessons and build up pedagogic sequences in CLIL, (3) use technological tools in CLIL contexts, and (4) design and put into practice an observation tool  focusing on a specific aspect of language learning in CLIL.
This course is offered as an optional course in the Master's program in Technology-mediated language teaching and learning and it is also offered as a stand-alone specialization course.


This is an optional course in the Master’s program in technology-mediated language teaching and learning and it belongs to the optional block of courses called “Pedagogical approaches”.


This is a course designed for professionals in the field of technology-mediated language teaching and learning in face-to-face contexts, online, or hybrid environments. This includes materials writers for online language learning, editors, and consultants for online language learning platforms. 


In order to register for this course, no previous courses from the MU in Technology-mediated language teaching and learning are required.


Students need to have a level of English (medium language) equal to B2, or higher, according to the Common European Frame of Reference in order to ensure that students have the necessary fluency to communicate and to understand the contents of the course without problems.

Information and communication technology (ICT) skills at user level are recommended.


This course will contribute to develop the following competencies: Basic (B), general (G), transversal (T), and specific (S):

  • (B8) Students should be able to integrate knowledge and skills and be able to face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, despite being limited or incomplete, will include reflections on social and ethical aspects related to the application of their knowledge and judgment.
  • (B10)  Be able to study in a self-directed and autonomous way.
  • (G2) Search for, obtain, process and communicate information (oral, written, audio-visual, digital or multimedia) in order to transform it into knowledge through analysis and synthesis.
  • (T3) Express oneself properly in writing and transmit knowledge and insights in complex texts rigorously and fluently.
  • (S5) Design, implement and evaluate interventions focused on language teaching through technology, using different pedagogical approaches and establishing evaluation guidelines for different language skills. 

These competencies are linked to learning outcomes that students will achieve through a series of tasks for which they will be assessed:

  • Explain the main characteristics of CLIL in the context of bilingual education and immersion programs.
  • Examine the main issues surrounding the use of technology in CLIL, both inside and outside the classroom. 
  • Elaborate a proposal for the implementation of CLIL in an educational setting which clearly communicates the advantages of introducing CLIL and the logistical and other issues that need to be taken into account.
  • Recognise the use of receptive and productive skills in a CLIL lesson.
  • Identify relevant teaching techniques through lesson observation.
  • Analyze and critically evaluate CLIL materials and tasks.
  • Apply CLIL methodology to the design of didactic units.
  • Recognize the opportunities and risks involved in implementing technological tools in a CLIL classroom.
  • Apply technological tools to a CLIL classroom showing awareness of and sensitivity to its social and ethical implications 
  • Design and assess an observation tool and analyze its advantages and disadvantages, paying special attention to the potential it has to be used in the classroom.



  • Origins of CLIL, the similarities and differences between CLIL and other methodologies (e.g.,  bilingual education), and its advantages and drawbacks.
  • Principles of planning a lesson and building up a teaching sequence in CLIL. Critical analysis of CLIL materials and design of original CLIL materials
  • Using technology in a CLIL classroom, ICT tools in a CLIL classroom, and massive online open courses (MOOCs) in CLIL.
  • Techniques and tools teachers can use to ensure the development of learners' language skills in CLIL. Design and implementation of an observation tool focusing on a specific aspect of language learning in CLIL


Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Web
CLIL Lesson Planning Web


The materials for this course are self-learning materials in web format and they are available in the virtual classroom. They include various units that gradually build up the contents of the course, with charts, summaries, and examples. In addition, they include activities so that students can check their level of understanding and mastery of the materials. In addition to the supporting self-learning materials, students will work with a bibliography in order to examine the topics of the course more in depth.


Assessment at the UOC is, in general, online, structured around the continuous assessment activities, the final assessment tests and exams, and the programme's final project.

Assessment activities and tests can be written texts and/or video recordings, use random questions, and synchronous or asynchronous oral tests, etc., as decided by each teaching team. The final project marks the end of the learning process and consists of an original and tutored piece of work to demonstrate that students have acquired the competencies worked on during the programme.

To verify students' identity and authorship in the assessment tests, the UOC reserves the right to use identity recognition and plagiarism detection systems. For these purposes, the UOC may make video recordings or use supervision methods or techniques while students carry out any of their academic activities.

The UOC may also require students to use electronic devices (microphones, webcams or other tools) or specific software during assessments. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that these devices work properly.

The assessment process is based on students' individual efforts, and the assumption that the student is the author of the work submitted for academic activities and that this work is original. The UOC's website on academic integrity and plagiarism has more information on this.

Submitting work that is not one's own or not original for assessment tests; copying or plagiarism; impersonation; accepting or obtaining any assignments, whether for compensation or otherwise; collaboration, cover-up or encouragement to copy; and using materials, software or devices not authorized in the course plan or instructions for the activity, including artificial intelligence and machine translation, among others, are examples of misconduct in assessments that may have serious academic and disciplinary consequences.

If students are found to be engaging in any such misconduct, they may receive a Fail (D/0) for the graded activities in the course plan (including final tests) or for the final grade for the course. This could be because they have used unauthorized materials, software or devices (such as artificial intelligence when it is not permitted, social media or internet search engines) during the tests; copied fragments of text from an external source (the internet, notes, books, articles, other students' work or tests, etc.) without the corresponding citation; purchased or sold assignments, or undertaken any other form of misconduct.

Likewise and in accordance with the UOC's academic regulations, misconduct during assessment may also be grounds for disciplinary proceedings and, where appropriate, the corresponding disciplinary measures, as established in the regulations governing the UOC community (Normativa de convivència).

In its assessment process, the UOC reserves the right to:

  • Ask students to provide proof of their identity as established in the UOC's academic regulations.
  • Ask students to prove the authorship of their work throughout the assessment process, in both continuous and final assessments, through a synchronous oral interview, of which a video recording or any other type of recording established by the UOC may be made. These methods seek to ensure verification of the student's identity, and their knowledge and competencies. If it is not possible to ensure the student's authorship, they may receive a D grade in the case of continuous assessment or a Fail grade in the case of the final assessment.

Artificial intelligence in assessments

The UOC understands the value and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, but it also understands the risks involved if it is not used ethically, critically and responsibly. So, in each assessment activity, students will be told which AI tools and resources can be used and under what conditions. In turn, students must agree to follow the guidelines set by the UOC when it comes to completing the assessment activities and citing the tools used. Specifically, they must identify any texts or images generated by AI systems and they must not present them as their own work.

In terms of using AI, or not, to complete an activity, the instructions for assessment activities indicate the restrictions on the use of these tools. Bear in mind that using them inappropriately, such as using them in activities where they are not allowed or not citing them in activities where they are, may be considered misconduct. If in doubt, we recommend getting in touch with the course instructor and asking them before you submit your work.


You can only pass the course if you participate in and pass the continuous assessment. Your final mark for the course will be the mark you received in the continuous assessment.

