Trabajo de Fin de Máster Código:  M0.518    :  18
Consulta de los datos generales   Información previa a la matrícula   Consulta de los recursos de aprendizaje de los que dispone la asignatura   Informaciones sobre la evaluación en la UOC   Consulta del modelo de evaluación  
Este es el plan docente de la asignatura para el primer semestre del curso 2024-2025. Podéis consultar si la asignatura se ofrece este semestre en el espacio del campus Más UOC / La universidad / Planes de estudios). Una vez empiece la docencia, tenéis que consultarlo en el aula. El plan docente puede estar sujeto a cambios.
Líneas TFM Coordinadas por UOC:
  • System Simulation and Optimization: This proposal brings students the possibility of completing their Master thesis on the collaborative development of new simulation-optimization algorithms (e.g. simheuristics) which implement practical solutions to different combinatorial optimization problems in the service and manufacturing industries (e.g. logistics, transportation, health systems, etc.). These solutions will be implemented using Java, C#, or C/C++. More info: Dr. Angel A. Juan (ajuanp[at]
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: This proposal brings students the possibility of completing their Master thesis on the representation of different forms of knowledge and reasoning, focusing on their logical foundations. Theoretical properties of knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms are studied, developed and applied to real problems. Description Logics, Temporal Representation, Formal Ontology, Knowledge Representation for Artificial Intelligence, in particular, are considered. It is both a pre-doctoral and professional online and students can choose the prefered orientation in her/his Master's thesis. More info: Dr. M. Antonia Huertas (mhuertass[at]
  • Optimal assignment of resources in large-scale distributed systems: This proposal brings students the possibility of completing their Master thesis on the design and implementation of mechanisms for an optimal assignment of resources in large-scale distributed systems. The mechanisms will be implemented in Java. More info: Dr. Joan Manuel Marquès (jmarquesp[at]
  • Computer Vision and Statistical Pattern Recognition: This proposal brings students the possibility of completing their Master thesis on the design and implementation of computer vision technologies applied to object recognition, scene understanding, facial expression, gesture and non verbal analysis.More info: Dra. Àgata Lapedriza Garcia (alapedriza[at], Dr. David Masip Rodó (dmasipr[at]
  • Formal methods: This proposal considers the application of techniques to model and verify complex systems, allowing the automatic detection of errors.  Depending on the specific problem being considered, a variety of techniques will be used (theorem provers, SAT solvers, constraint programming, etc.). More info: Dr Robert Clarisó (rclariso[at]
  • High Performance Computing: This proposal brings students the possibility of completing their Master thesis on the area of studyng, applying, and analyzing HPC solutions for scientific problems. And how design, implement, and analyze different possibilities in hardware, software and middleware for the performance of parallel/multicore applications in diferent scientific fields of research. More info: Dr. Josep Jorba (jjorbae[at]
Líneas TFM Coordinadas por URV:
  • Anonymization and transparency:  Anonymization methods are used to protect data sets containing sensitive information on individuals before releasing the data. The goal is to prevent an intruder from linking a record in the anonymized data to a particular identified individual (identity disclosure) and also to prevent the intruder from estimating the value of the attributes of a specific individual with too much accuracy (attribute disclosure).
    On the other hand, statistical computations on the anonymized data should yield results similar to those obtained on the original data (data utility preservation). It would be very good to preserve data utility if, in addition to the anonymized data, the legitimate data user could be given information on the method and parameters used for anonymization (transparency). This would allow the user to correct the biases in the statistical analyses she obtains on the anonymized data. However, for some methods, revealing that they have been used with certain parameters greatly increases the risk of attribute disclosure (recovering the original data by undoing the anonymization). We propose to study transparency for a few anonymization methods: to what extent revealing their parameters increases the risk of attribute disclosure. More info: Dr. Josep Domingo Ferrer (josep.domingo[at]
  • Semantic knowledge management: The ITAKA (Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition) research group at URV ( ) can supervise Master Thesis proposals on topics related to the semantic management of knowledge, including personalised recommender systems, ontology learning vs semantic information retrieval, multi-criteria decision support systems and automatic construction of knowledge structures from social network data. More info: Dr Antonio Moreno (antonio.moreno[at]
  • Knowledge modelling and data mining for decision support in health-care: Knowledge-based systems are artificial intelligent tools to support decision making. These systems can be applied to many areas. One of these areas is health-care. Deciding the correct disease or set of diseases (diagnosis), determining the most promising, save and cheap treatment (therapy providing), and foreseeing the evolution of the patient (prognosis) are three key actions of daily medical practice that can be supported on Clinical Knowledge-Based Systems. Modelling medical knowledge, extracting experience knowledge from hospital databases and clinical records, and implementing health-care computer tools are the main work lines proposed by the Research Group on Artificial Intelligence ( ) at University Rovira i Virgili. All this work is made in collaboration with several health-care institutions such as SAGESSA Group, Hospital de Sant Joan (Reus), and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Contact Person: David Riaño (david.riano[at] 
  • Graph theory and its applications: The research group in Discrete Mathematics can supervise Master Thesis proposals on topics related to graph theory, including domination theory, spectral graph theory, graph products, topological indices, metric dimension, etc. More info: Dr Juan Alberto Rodríguez Velázquez (juanalberto.rodriguez[at] 
  • Geometría aplicada:  El grupo de investigación en Geometría aplicada puede supervisar tesis de máster en los temas de Análisis Geométrico de Elementos Arquitectónicos y Estructura Geométrica de Vórtices. Más información: Dr Blas Herrera Gómez, blas.herrera[at],
  • Large scale Distributed Systems (peer-to-peer, cloud computing, distributed storage): The Architecture and Telematic Services research group ( can supervise proposals in the topics of large scale distributed systems. In particular, we are interested in the efficient management and optimization of cloud storage infrastructures. We are interested in the use of large-scale peer-to-peer algorithms and concepts to cloud settings. The Master thesis will collaborate with our European research project CloudSpaces ( Contact Person:  Pedro Garcia Lopez (pedro.garcia[at])  
  •  Análisis de la expansión de una epidemia en redes complejas: cálculo del estado estacionario, fracción de infectados e incluir (libre elección) mecanismos de contención de la expansión. Contact Person: Alex Arenas (alexandre.arenas[at]
  • Simulation in biomechanics: This proposal brings students the possibility of completing their Master thesis on the design and implementation of computer simulations procedures for the understanding of biomechanics in the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Numerical simulations of biological systems are becoming key tools in medical diagnosis. The simulations involve methods from both fluid and solid mechanics which are mainly based on mathematical models comprising non-linear differential equations. Moreover, they often require the generation of smooth and geometrically accurate surface meshes from medical images. Contact Person: Dra. Dolors Puigjaner (dolors.puigjaner[at] and Dr. Gerard Fortuny (gerard.fortuny[at]
  • Simulation of architectural structures: The elastic theory of masonry  structures is based on the resistence (Navier, 1826), the stability (limit analysis Heyman 1999, Ochsendorf 2002) and the stiffness. Val d'Aran is a region located on the north side of the Spanish Pirineo, between Spain and France. There we can find a group of Romanic churches built on XIIth Century, which present geometrical deformations of more than 10% from its initial form. Numerical simulations of arquitectonic structures are fundamental to predict the deformation evolution and to analyze, maintenance and repair plans for these historic buildings. Contact Person: Dr. Gerard Fortuny (gerard.fortuny[at]


Presentación de documentos y elaboración de presentaciones PDF
Redacción de textos científico-técnicos PDF


La Normativa académica de la UOC dispone que el proceso de evaluación se fundamenta en el trabajo personal del estudiante y presupone la autenticidad de la autoría y la originalidad de los ejercicios realizados.

La falta de originalidad en la autoría o el mal uso de las condiciones en las que se hace la evaluación de la asignatura es una infracción que puede tener consecuencias académicas graves.

Se calificará al estudiante con un suspenso (D/0) si se detecta falta de originalidad en la autoría de alguna actividad evaluable (práctica, prueba de evaluación continua (PEC) o final (PEF), o la que se defina en el plan docente), ya sea porque ha utilizado material o dispositivos no autorizados, ya sea porque ha copiado de forma textual de internet, o ha copiado de apuntes, de materiales, manuales o artículos (sin la citación correspondiente) o de otro estudiante, o por cualquier otra conducta irregular.

La calificación de suspenso (D/0) en la evaluación continua (EC) puede conllevar la obligación de hacer el examen presencial para superar la asignatura (si hay examen y si superarlo es suficiente para superar la asignatura según indique este plan docente).

Cuando esta mala conducta se produzca durante la realización de las pruebas de evaluación finales presenciales, el estudiante puede ser expulsado del aula, y el examinador hará constar todos los elementos y la información relativos al caso.

Además, esta conducta puede dar lugar a la incoación de un procedimiento disciplinario y la aplicación, si procede, de la sanción que corresponda.

La UOC habilitará los mecanismos que considere oportunos para velar por la calidad de sus titulaciones y garantizar la excelencia y la calidad de su modelo educativo.


La asignatura solo puede aprobarse con el seguimiento y la superación de la evaluación continua (EC). La calificación final de la asignatura es la nota obtenida en la EC.

