Pattern Recognition Code:  M0.532    :  6
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This is the course plan for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024. To check whether the course is being run this semester, go to the Virtual Campus section More UOC / The University / Programmes of study section on Campus. Once teaching starts, you'll be able to find it in the classroom. The course plan may be subject to change.

The Pattern Recognition course will introduce the student to the techniques for extracting information from data. In particular the course focuses on the recognition of patterns within the context of computer vision. Images are one of the main sources of information used by the human brain at the perceptual level to make decisions. As a consequence, the recognition of patterns within the context of computer vision is of great interest, especially nowadays that we have at our disposal a huge amount of visual data that can not be analyzed by hand. Practical applications of pattern recognition in the context of artificial vision are many. For example safety, medicine, automatic inspection, or automatic navigation.


  • Requirements: Ability to read scientific texts in English. Basic statistical knowledge (undergraduate or engineering level).
  • Bibliography (course material): D.A. Forsyth, J. Ponce, 2012. "Computer Vision: A Modern Approach", 2/E, Pearson Education.


  • Coordinator: Dr. Carles Ventura
  • Credits: 6
  • Description: In the present course the student will be introduced in the set of techniques that allow us to extract information from a set of data. As an application, the subject will focus on extracting high level information from the environment, from information captured by cameras. In this case the objective is to learn to recognize objects in real environments and completely automatically. Images are one of the most important sources of information that the human brain uses perceptually to make decisions. In this context, different samples of the same object have in common a series of patterns, which must be detected, modeled and later classified for recognition. The course aims to train the student to know the probabilistic techniques and mathematical optimization related to pattern recognition.
  • Requirements: ability to read scientific texts in English. Basic statistical knowledge (undergraduate or engineering level).
  • Bibliography: UOC modules


This course is oriented to the study of fundamental concepts of computer vision, pattern recognition and other advanced topics related to the problems of analysis and automatic recognition of complex images. In particular, the learning objectives are as follows:
- To know how the images are formed.
- To know the main techniques of digital image processing.
- To understand how color is perceived and know the spaces of color representation.
- To know the main techniques of dimensionality reduction (selection and extraction of characteristics), both supervised and unsupervised, and know how to apply to real problems.
- To know the main techniques of automatic learning for automatic classification of data and know how to apply to real problems.

The specific competences that are covered in this course are the following:
A1. Ability to understand and be able to apply advanced computer knowledge and numerical or computational methods to engineering problems.

A2. Ability to apply computational, mathematical and statistical methods to model, design and develop applications, services, intelligent systems and / or systems based on knowledge.

A3. Ability to apply mathematical and computational methods to solving technological and engineering problems, particularly in research, development and innovation.

A4. Ability to model problems using a mathematical language and solve them through formal reasoning.

A5. Ability to identify mathematical theories necessary for the construction of models from problems of other disciplines.

A6. Ability to handle mathematical and statistical software.

A9. Ability to analyze and process data to generate and manage useful information in decision making.

A10. Ability to design, implement and validate algorithms using the most convenient structures.


Topic 1. Image formation: Geometric models of the camera. Lighting models. Epipolar geometry. Rectification of the image.

Topic 2. Image Processing: Linear Filters and Convolution. Smoothing operations. Morphological operations.

Topic 3. Color Analysis: Color Perception. Color rendering spaces: linear, non-linear.

Topic 4. Extraction of characteristics: Local image characteristics: geometric characteristics; Texture characteristics.

Topic 5. Segmentation of Images: Clustering. Graphs. Probabilistic models.

Topic 6. Image Classification and Object Recognition: Supervised classification. Classification strategies. Extraction of characteristics for classification.


Aprenentatge supervisat: problemes de classificació PDF
Aprendizaje supervisado: problemas de clasificación PDF
Python: introducción al lenguaje de programación Audiovisual
Python: introducció al llenguatge de programació Audiovisual
Ús de Google Colaboratory per a Machine Learning Audiovisual
Uso de Google Colaboratory para Machine Learning Audiovisual
Image processing (Python Notebook) Web
Feature Detection and Matching (Python Notebook) Web
Machine learning (Python Notebook) Web
Generative models (Python Notebook) Web
Image classification (Python Notebook) Web
Object detection (Python Notebook) Web
Semantic segmentation (Python Notebook) Web
Video understanding (Python Notebook) Web


For the practical exercises the following resources will be used:

- ImageJ

- Image Processing Learning Resources (HIPR2)

- Image Recognition Laboratory

- Web-enabled image processing operators (Canny, Gabor)

- efg's Color Reference Library -- Color Science / Color Theory

- The Color Space Conversions Applet


The assessment process is based on the student's personal work and presupposes authenticity of authorship and originality of the exercises completed.

Lack of authenticity of authorship or originality of assessment tests, copying or plagiarism, the fraudulent attempt to obtain a better academic result, collusion to copy or concealing or abetting copying, use of unauthorized material or devices during assessment, inter alia, are offences that may lead to serious academic or other sanctions.

Firstly, you will fail the course (D/0) if you commit any of these offences when completing activities defined as assessable in the course plan, including the final tests. Offences considered to be misconduct include, among others, the use of unauthorized material or devices during the tests, such as social media or internet search engines, or the copying of text from external sources (internet, class notes, books, articles, other students' essays or tests, etc.) without including the corresponding reference.

And secondly, the UOC's academic regulations state that any misconduct during assessment, in addition to leading to the student failing the course, may also lead to disciplinary procedures and sanctions.


You can only pass the course if you participate in and pass the continuous assessment. Your final mark for the course will be the mark you received in the continuous assessment.

