Lengua B II (Inglés) Código:  21.510    :  6
Consulta de los datos generales   Descripción   La asignatura en el conjunto del plan de estudios   Campos profesionales en el que se proyecta   Conocimientos previos   Información previa a la matrícula   Objetivos y competencias   Contenidos   Consulta de los recursos de aprendizaje de los que dispone la asignatura   Recursos de aprendizaje y herramientas de apoyo   Informaciones sobre la evaluación en la UOC   Consulta del modelo de evaluación  
Este es el plan docente de la asignatura. Os servirá para planificar la matrícula (consultad si la asignatura se ofrece este semestre en el espacio del Campus Más UOC / La Universidad / Planes de estudios). Una vez empiece la docencia, tenéis que consultarlo en el aula. (El plan docente puede estar sujeto a cambios).

English 2 (Lengua B-II Inglés/Llengua B-II Anglès) builds upon the knowledge acquired in English 1 (Lengua B-I Inglés/Llengua B-I Anglès) and is designed to reinforce students' knowledge and usage of the English language, as well as the specific skills required for the training in the fields of translation, interpreting and applied languages. This course prioritizes the boosting and monitoring of students' communicative skills in a dynamic and interactive environment through reading complex literary texts, studying and practicing advanced grammar, vocabulary, writing, listening and speaking.


English 2 (Lengua B-II Inglés/Llengua B-II Anglès) is a first-year, obligatory, 6-credit course.


This subject allows students to meet the needs of the professional practice of interlinguistic and intercultural communication where language skills, cultural understanding, collaborative teamwork and digital networking tools ensure successful input in institutional, business or educational settings.


Since this is an advanced language course, students will be expected to already possess a solid knowledge of basic grammar notions and to be able to communicate effectively in English. The language of communication in this class will be, at all times, English.


There are no admission requirements, but it is advisable that students have passed English 1 (Lengua B-I Inglés/Llengua B-I Anglès) before enrolling in this course.


This course aims to boost the following skills:

  • B3: Being capable of gathering and interpreting relevant data (usually within their field of study) to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • B4: Being capable of transmitting information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • B5: Developing the necessary learning skills to undertake graduate studies with a high degree of autonomy.
  • G1: Handling, analyzing, interpreting and summarizing information from various sources.
  • G2: Developing and keeping their own competences, skills and knowledge up to date, according to the standards of the profession.
  • G3: Possessing aptitudes for criticism and self-criticism, and showing concern and respect for the profession's code of ethics.
  • E2: Having a good command of the B language both at a productive and at a receptive level, and being able to communicate effectively in this language in a professional environment, orally and in writing.
  • E4: Being familiar with the social and communicative functions of languages, and with intercultural communication processes, in both monolingual and multilingual environments.
  • E5: Identifying the foundations of universal history, culture and literature to become familiar with cultural references and apply them to the field of translation and interpreting.
  • E12: Being able to analyze, edit and revise oral and written productions.
  • E13: Having a good command of the ICT tools applied to languages, translation, interpreting and research, and being familiarized with the potential of virtual communication environments.
  • E14: Being skilled at researching, browsing, selecting and managing information.
  • T2: Projecting the values of entrepreneurship and innovation on students' exercise of their personal, academic and professional careers through contact with different practical realities and motivation towards professional development.
  • T6: Using various oral, written and audiovisual modes of communication correctly, in both their first and second languages.

In order to accomplish all the above, the following objectives have been established:

  • Gaining a better understanding of the morphology, syntax and the descriptive grammar of English.
  • Applying the acquired grammar knowledge to produce written and oral texts in English.
  • Learning to use new vocabulary that will be extracted from texts and listening exercises.
  • Learning about cultural references by consulting English-language sources.
  • Improving students' academic writing skills in English.
  • Boosting students' critical skills.
  • Practicing reading comprehension skills through the reading of unabridged texts in English.
  • Learning about a variety of cultural topics by reading texts and listening to talks.
  • Becoming more familiar with English-speaking cultures.
  • Practicing and improving students' speaking skills by recording assessable and non-assessable videos.
  • Learning to make effective use of the necessary ICT and audiovisual tools.


  • Grammar: relative and participle clauses, subject-verb inversion, conditionals, verb patterns, modal verbs
  • A variety of cultural topics to learn new vocabulary and practice the 4 skills, with special emphasis on our course reading: Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's


Breakfast at Tiffany's Libro-manual
Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced with Answers Libro-manual


All the necessary and complementary materials to carry out the tasks can be found in the 'Materials' section of each activity.


El proceso de evaluación se fundamenta en el trabajo personal de cada estudiante y presupone la autenticidad de la autoría y la originalidad de los ejercicios realizados.

La falta de autenticidad en la autoría o de originalidad de las pruebas de evaluación; la copia o el plagio; el intento fraudulento de obtener un resultado académico mejor; la colaboración, el encubrimiento o el favorecimiento de la copia, o la utilización de material o dispositivos no autorizados durante la evaluación, entre otras, son conductas irregulares que pueden tener consecuencias académicas y disciplinarias graves.

Por un lado, si se detecta alguna de estas conductas irregulares, puede comportar el suspenso (D/0) en las actividades evaluables que se definan en el plan docente –incluidas las pruebas finales– o en la calificación final de la asignatura, ya sea porque se han utilizado materiales o dispositivos no autorizados durante las pruebas, como redes sociales o buscadores de información en internet, porque se han copiado fragmentos de texto de una fuente externa (internet, apuntes, libros, artículos, trabajos o pruebas del resto de estudiantes, etc.) sin la correspondiente citación, o porque se ha practicado cualquier otra conducta irregular.

Por el otro, y de acuerdo con las normativas académicas, las conductas irregulares en la evaluación, además de comportar el suspenso de la asignatura, pueden dar lugar a la incoación de un procedimiento disciplinario y a la aplicación, si procede, de la sanción que corresponda.


Esta asignatura solo se puede superar a partir de la evaluación continua (EC) y una prueba de síntesis (PS). Para hacer la PS hay que haber superado la EC. La fórmula de acreditación es: EC + PS. Las calificaciones finales de la asignatura se calcularán de la siguiente manera:
- EC superada y presentando la PS: la calificación final será el resultado de la fórmula de cálculo EC + PS.
- EC no superada y, por lo tanto, no se presenta la PS: la calificación final será No presentado.
- EC de calificación No presentado y, por lo tanto, no se presenta la PS: la calificación final será No presentado.
- EC superada pero no se presenta la PS: la calificación final será No Presentado.

