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Aquest és el pla docent de l'assignatura per al segon semestre del curs 2023-2024. Podeu consultar si l'assignatura s'ofereix aquest semestre a l'espai del campus Més UOC / La universitat / Plans d'estudis). Un cop comenci la docència, heu de consultar-lo a l'aula. El pla docent pot estar subjecte a canvis.

The aim of this subject is to show to speech therapy students the role of the physiotherapist in the assessment and management of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Craniofacial Pain (CFP).

The physiotherapist is the health care professional who evaluates, prevents, assesses, and manages limitations and disability due to movement disorders or pain, and in this case, on the cranium, face, cervical and face area. In this area, there are many interactions between different systems, for example, swallowing, speech, occlusal, mastication and respiratory, among others.

Because of this, the coordination between all the health care professionals who are focused on the treatment or management of the pathologies or disabilities in this area is necessary, meaning that a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is needed. In this subject, the student will learn how the specialized physiotherapist acts, and what the most common and useful tools to diagnose and understand TMD and CFP are.

At the end of the subject, the student will be able to identify different clinical presentations, what the needs are for assessing these patients, and when a multidisciplinary approach is required. 


Physiotherapy applied to Speech Therapy subject belongs to the set of the optative subjects of the Module 6. Optative. Specifically, to the subject of electives.


Multidisciplinary approach in primary self-care or primary research


No hi ha.


As a final evaluation test, this subject has a mandatory presential exam



G2 - Attending the health needs of the population as well as the challenges of the health professional group through innovative and dynamic attitudes.

CB2 - That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defence of hypotheses and problem solving within their area of study.

CB5 - That students have developed those necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

T2 - Projecting the values of entrepreneurship and innovation in the exercise of personal, academic, and professional practice through contact with different realities of procedures and being highly motivated to develop professionally. 

T5 - Exercising active citizenship and individual responsibility with a commitment to democratic values, sustainability and universal design based on learning practices, service, and social inclusion.

T6. Using oral, written, and audio-visual forms of communication, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with a high standard of use, form and content.

E2 - Exploring, evaluating, diagnosing, and predicting the development of communication and language disorders from a multidisciplinary perspective, based on the ability to interpret the medical history applying the principles based on the best possible information and clinical safety conditions.

E3. Using the techniques and instruments from the speech and language field, and recording, synthesizing, andinterpreting the data provided by integrating them into the general information.

E4.   Mastering the terminology to communicate efficiently with other professionals. 

E6 - Selecting, implementing, and facilitating learning of augmentative communication systems as well as the design and use of the prostheses and necessary technical aids adapted to the physical, psychological, and social conditions of their patients.

E15 - Understanding communication disorders, language, speech, hearing, voice and non-verbal oral functions.

E23 - Being able to practise the profession, respecting the patient's autonomy, their genetic, demographic, cultural and economic characteristics, applying the principles of social justice and understanding the ethical implications of healthcare in a changing global context.


  • Classification systems for temporomandibular disorders and craniofacial pain review.
  • Analysis and adequation of questionnaires for the evaluation of the disfunctions and disabilities due to temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain and other related conditions.
  • Therapeutic methods using a biopsychosocial approach, especially for the management and treatment of complex and chronic pain conditions.
  • Effectiveness of the treatment strategies used in temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain.
  • Recognition and identification of the different clinical presentations of the craniocervical and mandibular region.



  1. Recognizing techniques used in physiotherapy and their implications for speech therapy treatment and management.
  1. Summarizing and identifying the basic principles of physiotherapy to be able to work in a multidisciplinary group.
  1. Recognizing and identifying the most common healthcare problems in ageing populations with the aim of designing and carrying out speech therapy assessments and treatments in socio-health care centre.
  1. Resolving problems and own situations from the profession with innovative and ground-breaking attitudes.
  1. Making a suitable use of the oral language (verbal and non-verbal) in personal and professional interactions in Catalan, Spanish and English.
  1. Working in complex situations which require the development of new solutions both academically and professionally in the field of speech therapy.
  1. Identifying their own educational needs in their field of study and work or professional environment and organizing their own learning with a high degree of autonomy in all types of contexts (structured or not).
  1. Being able to find, to design and to plan speech therapy protocols in a multidisciplinary group synchronizing with physiotherapy protocols for the benefit of the multidisciplinary patient.
  1. Proposing coherent interventions with democratic values and with a universal design showing respect for people's fundamental rights.
  1. Using respectful language in the terms of gender, both in the written and spoken form.


El procés d'avaluació es fonamenta en el treball personal de l'estudiant i pressuposa l'autenticitat de l'autoria i l'originalitat dels exercicis realitzats.

La manca d'autenticitat en l'autoria o d'originalitat de les proves d'avaluació; la còpia o el plagi; l'intent fraudulent d'obtenir un resultat acadèmic millor; la col·laboració, l'encobriment o l'afavoriment de la còpia, o la utilització de material o dispositius no autoritzats durant l'avaluació, entre d'altres, són conductes irregulars que poden tenir conseqüències acadèmiques i disciplinàries greus.

D'una banda, si es detecta alguna d'aquestes conductes irregulars, pot comportar el suspens (D/0) en les activitats avaluables que es defineixin en el pla docent - incloses les proves finals - o en la qualificació final de l'assignatura, sigui perquè s'han utilitzat materials o dispositius no autoritzats durant les proves, com ara xarxes socials o cercadors d'informació a internet, perquè s'han copiat fragments de text d'una font externa (internet, apunts, llibres, articles, treballs o proves d'altres estudiants, etc.) sense la citació corresponent, o perquè s'ha practicat qualsevol altra conducta irregular.

De l'altra, i d'acord amb les normatives acadèmiques, les conductes irregulars en l'avaluació, a més de comportar el suspens de l'assignatura, poden donar lloc a la incoació d'un procediment disciplinari i a l'aplicació, si escau, de la sanció que correspongui.

La UOC es reserva la potestat de sol·licitar a l'estudiant que s'identifiqui o que acrediti l'autoria del seu treball al llarg de tot el procés d'avaluació pels mitjans que estableixi la Universitat (síncrons o asíncrons). A aquests efectes, la UOC pot exigir a l'estudiant l'ús d'un micròfon, una càmera o altres eines durant l'avaluació i que s'asseguri que funcionen correctament.

La verificació dels coneixements per garantir l'autoria de la prova no implicarà en cap cas una segona avaluació.


Per aprovar l'assignatura has de superar l'avaluació contínua (AC) i fer una prova de síntesi (PS).

La qualificació final (QF) de l'assignatura es calcula d'acord amb el següent:

  • Si superes l'AC i a la prova de síntesi obtens la nota mínima necessària, la nota final es ponderarà d'acord amb els valors establerts en el pla docent.
  • Si superes l'AC però no obtens la nota mínima necessària a la prova de síntesi, la nota final serà la qualificació numèrica obtinguda a la PS.
  • Si superes l'AC i no et presentes a la prova de síntesi, la nota final serà suspès (2).
  • Si no superes l'AC, la nota final serà la nota de l'AC.
  • Si no et presentes a l'AC, la nota final serà un No presentat.

